Use cases
Here you find a selection of use cases which are available on the MOOST platform. Ready for you to use. Our powerful tools enable you to customize, extend and build your own ideas.

Reassure customers to continue optimizing towards self-sufficiency
Informing customers when they are consistently excelling with a key metric like self-sufficiency keeps them engaged and motivated. MOOST empowers you to provide timely updates and insights, ensuring they remain informed and proactive about their energy management.

Helping customers to determine whether a home battery could be worthwhile
Connecting a home battery can be both financially and ecologically beneficial for certain segments of your customer base. Instead of targeting all your customers, MOOST enables you to identify and engage only those who would truly benefit from a home battery.

Help customers leverage forecasts to shift consumption
Shifting consumption when low PV-generation is forecasted is key for both connected and non-connected assets. MOOST empowers you to inform your customers ahead when low generation is expected.

Inform customers about changes in their self-sufficiency
PV-based households often struggle to make sense from changes in their self-sufficiency rate, as it is highly dependent on PV generation. With MOOST, you can inform customers about significant changes in self-sufficiency in relation to their energy generation.

Help customers prevent uncharged cars
Low PV-generation in combination smart charging modes can lead to uncharged EVs. MOOST empowers you to inform your customers ahead when not enough generation is expected to charge their car.

Incentivize customers to use solar energy for their heat pump
Encouraging customers to switch their heat pump to run on solar is just the beginning. MOOST helps you to go beyond by informing customers about savings, providing additional incentive to fully leverage your system.

Help customers set the right charging modes
Nudging smart charging modes at the right time is key to maximize adoption. MOOST empowers you to nudge smart charging modes when customers are charging mostly during peak tariff hours.

Help customers understand their top consuming devices
Understanding top consuming devices is key to change energy behaviour. Checking energy consumption regularly can be tiring though. MOOST identifies when a new device is among the top consuming devices.

Help customers identify unusually high energy consumption
90% of HEMS-users stop checking their monitoring regularly after 3 months. MOOST empowers you to engage your customers by notifying about unusually high energy consumption at the time it occurs.

Help customers leverage forecasts to optimize battery usage
Non-expert households struggle to understand their home batteries' powerflows and act upon optimization potential. MOOST empowers you to help customers shift power that is drawn from the battery to times when excess capacity is available.

Help customers identify anomalies in their grid consumption
92% of connected households want to be notified about anomalies in their grid consumption. Benefit from MOOST's machine learning algoritms to inform each of your customers individually when their grid power consumption is unusually high.

Inform customers about improvements in self-consumption
The self-consumption rate is used as a performance indicator for most Home Energy Management Systems. Yet most households rarely check their self-consumption rate. With MOOST you can proactively inform your customers when their self-consumption rate improved.

Help customers use excess PV capacity
85% of PV-based households want to be informed about self-consumption optimization potential. MOOST empowers you to inform your customers at times with significant excess and enabling them to take action.

Remind customers to revert from fast charging to smart charging
27% of changes from "Smart Charging" to "Fast Charging" are never reverted. With MOOST, you can remind your customers about the reconfiguration at the right time.

Helps detecting increases in consumption at device level
Identifying appliances that consume an unusually high amount of energy is crucial to recognize potential problems with devices and changing energy-intensive behaviors. MOOST alerts your customers when specific device starts to consume significantly more energy than usual.