Help customers understand their top consuming devices

Identify changes in top consuming devices with MOOST

Understanding top consuming devices is key to change energy behaviour.

Most households with a Home Energy Management System are interested in key events in their energy consumption. Checking energy consumption regularly can be tiring though. And typical energy reports don't show highlights. Thousands of households analysed show that the majority of households can be engaged by notifying about changes in their top consuming devices.

The challenge: Identifying when a new device is among the top consuming devices requires continuous stream data analysis. MOOST takes care of the complexity so you can inform your customers about changes.

Help customers understand top consuming devices and take action

Build engagement and trust for more customer lifetime value


Power consumption


Top consuming devices

Calculated by MOOST


This use case enables you to trigger hyper-personalized messages when a new device has become the top consuming device. The MOOST system continuously monitors consumption and triggers a message upon a change.

Click actions

Depending on your system's set-up, we can enable different click actions:

  • Deep link into live monitoring (recommended)
  • Standard open (default action, usually the home screen or notification center)

For customers who do not wish to be informed in the future, there is a "Don't notify again" button on every message for a granular opt-out.