Help customers use excess PV capacity

85% of PV-based households want to be informed about self-consumption optimization potential.
Most PV-based households want to understand when they have excess solar capacity and how they could better leverage it. The majority of them struggle to identify times with significant excess and take action before it is too late.
With MOOST, you can inform your customers when they have significant excess capacity and make personalized recommendations on the next-best action.
Help customers understand excess capacity
Help customers improve self-consumption
Build engagement and trust for more customer lifetime value



Calculated by MOOST
This use case enables you to trigger hyper-personalised messages when
- significant excess power is available
- the forecasted excess remains high for the next 2 hours
"Significant" and "forecasted excess" will vary from customer to customer. MOOSTs algorithms calculate the best values for each of your customers. To wow your customers even further, we can enable dedicated messages for different setups:
- if an electric vehicle is connected, the charging state and battery level can be included
- if no further energy asset is known a message can be triggered with shifting examples
Click actions
Depending on your system's set-up, we can enable different click actions:
- Standard open (default action for all messages, usually the home screen or notification center)
- Deep link into live monitoring (recommended)
For customers who do not wish to be informed in the future, there is a "Don't notify again" button on every message for a granular opt-out.